Ministry of Defense fiscal Toshiban Defense ...

Do Yasuda of Junpei's release Why was transmitted from the Qatar ...

Ministry of Defense  fiscal Toshiban Defense ... Let me know of Yasuda Junpei's release was brought from the Qatar government Possibility that Qatar has been released to pay the ransom is high Also pointed out that the funding of terrorist organizations, which took the form of ransom Qatar and Turkey's involvement is no doubt Man seen with Yasuda Junpei's free journalist who has been detained in the armed forces over a year in Syria has been released. Kan Chief Cabinet Secretary was a press conference on the day, the information has been brought from the Qatar government, men are expected to Yasuda, who was released was announced that are under the protection of the Turkish authorities. NGO based in the United Kingdom [Syrian Observatory for Human Rights] it is, as a story from a number of reliable sources, Mr. Yasuda is said to have been released in exchange for ransom on the basis of a secret agreement of Turkey and Qatar. The Yasuda release, although it is not clear whether in any way, will no doubt be seen as Qatar and Turkey are involved.