Ministry of Defense fiscal Toshiban Defense ...

US: 0 years Country terrorism report | Association of overseas ...

Ministry of Defense  fiscal Toshiban Defense ... US State Department, month 0 days, issued a 0-year national terrorism report. According to it, the Middle East, Africa center and al-Qaeda-based terrorist organization and other terrorist organizations is increased to a, that of the threat of terrorism is rapidly expanding. However, the al-Qaeda headquarters, arrest of a number of executives, leadership is reduced by the killing. This is, leader Zawahiri of Al Qaeda headquarters, tried to arbitration a conflict with 0 years al-Qaeda-based terrorist organization that participated in the Syrian civil war in the Iraq and the Levant of the Islamic State (ISIL)] and another al-Qaeda-based terrorist organization place, it is clear also that it has been denied. Zawahiri, tactical guidance to 0 years [during the attacks, to avoid the damage of the collateral (in the past, Iraq: pilgrims of the general public, Yemen: hospital staff patient, Kenya: Citizens family came to the shopping to the market, etc. but it issued a there is a damage case), not followed.